Cedric Christophorus is a Chinese-Indonesian filmmaker based in Los Angeles whose films focus on quirky and comedic reflections on societal norms. Currently, he works at ARRAY, a leading Black-owned production company in the United States, while independently producing films through Cinema Inclusion where his team is dedicated to nurturing and developing genre-bending narratives helmed by Indonesian filmmakers.
Cedric contributed as a writer for Ava DuVernay’s ORIGIN Learning Companion and is part of the production team for DuVernay’s MasterClass "Reframe Your Thinking" and the ABC Owned Television Special "Our America: Hidden Stories."
His student thesis film, To Him, was nominated by the 2023 National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences - Michigan Chapter. His most recent short film, Icing on Her Cake, premiered at the Oscar-qualifying LA Shorts International Film Festival and was nominated for Best International Short at the 2024 Jakarta Independent Film Festival.